what is


Question by  Feryvidiot (25)

What is sludge in the gall bladder?


Answer by  emhaskey (685)

Gall bladder sludge is composed of precipitated bile materials, including cholesterol crystals and calcium salts. Unless flushed from the system, sludge can cause gallstones, pancreatitis, or gall bladder inflammation. Sludge can develop after fasting, rapid weight loss, certain medications, high cholesterol, drugs or alcohol, or pregnancy.


Answer by  Amy21 (460)

Sludge in the gall bladder can mean several things. One thing it can mean is that you dont have gall stones. But, you have the making of gall stones that can cause similar problems as real gall stones.


Answer by  jandoe (42)

it sounds like somebody needs to go to the bathroom. but i believe it actually means that there is excess "waste" or toxins that have gathered into the gall bladder that could potentially cause problems.


Answer by  cindy (1484)

Sludge in the gallbladder is basically the material found in gallstones except instead of being discrete solid gallstone form is smaller in quantity and more liquid like in nature. It is found by doing ultrasound of the abdomen. If symptomatic, it could be a reason for having your gallbladder surgically removed.


Answer by  luvlexis83 (798)

When the bile passes through the gallbladder sometimes there are particles that build up in the gallbladder that were used to concentrate the bile. This can possibly lead to gallstones.


Answer by  G12345 (1808)

Slude refers to the echogenicity of the fluid in the gallbaldder on ultrasound. It is just thicker than normal and more prone to form stones.

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