what is


Question by  lindsay (111)

What is paneer?


Answer by  panneerv (4)

Panneer exactly means “ROSE WATER” and the same will be used in most of the important ceremony in our nation


Answer by  Ashaan (50)

Paneer is Indian word (Hindi language) for something similar to Cottage Cheese. It is a delicacy made of milk and is used in many Indian vegetables as an ingredient. It is mostly white. Some famous dishes with Paneer are - Palak Paneer, Shahi Paneer and Paneer Makhani.


Answer by  willard (874)

Paneer is the most common Persian and South Asian cheese. It is an unaged, acid-set, non-melting farmer cheese made by curdling heated milk with lemon juice or other food acid. Paneer is very closely linked to the Turkish Peynir which is also strained and squeezed the same way.


Answer by  elsewhen (627)

i usually find paneer in indian curries, like palak paneer (spinach and cheese) or muttar paneer (peas and cheese)... its sort of a firm spongy cheese... not super strong but delicious nonetheless... i love it!


Answer by  Diddum (348)

Paneer is the most common kind of cheese found in Persia and South Asia. It is made by curdling heated milk with juice of lemon or other weak acids to be found in foods. Is it consumed fresh and it does not melt.

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