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Question by  critesb1 (224)

What is involved in refinishing a trumpet?


Answer by  smp (43)

Typically, refinishing a trumpet would involve the stripping of the original laquer (or plating) from the instrument to bare metal. This is often achieved with a chemical stripper. This is followed by the buffing of the instrument with a buffing wheel and polishing with the appropriate metal polish. After this is complete the instrument is prepared for laquering and sprayed.


Answer by  LeheckaG (1826)

Professional-refinishing involves: using acid to strip the existing-finish, pre-treating the stripped-finish, electro-plating a new-finish (& pre-polishing), using a polymer-sealant or wax-coating to protect the new-finish, then polishing the new-coated/sealed-finish.


Answer by  nicolette (33)

Patience and care is involved in refinishing a trumpet. Maintaining any instrument is a skill that may take some time to learn to do well. Begin by researching the care and feeding of your trumpet, and talk to other players.


Answer by  mhmmegan (165)

Any person who wants to refinish a trumpet has to first start off with a chemical stripper. This strips the original laquer from the instrument to bare metal. After the first process is done, you then buff the instrument. After everything is complete, the instrument is ready to be laquered.


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

Steel wool the trumpet after you take it apart. Stop after you see nice brass. Follow polish instructions and polish the parts. Then protect it with sealer.


Answer by  meakulpa (65)

Refinishing a trumpet is generally performed by a professional. They give it an acid bath, remove the dents and re-lacquer it.

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