

Question by  dirk1134 (26)

What is an "apple head" Chihuahua?

I keep hearing the term but don't know what it is.


Answer by  yogibear (20)

"Apple Head" is a term used for any small breed that has a skull that is too rounded (it tends to look round, like an apple). Usually, the eyes also appear to be too prominent, or bulged. Both of these problems occur when the skull has become too small for the breed.


Answer by  sallyjane (125)

"Apple-head" is a term used to describe the shape of the head of some Chihuahuas, as compared to the "Deer-head" type of head of other Chihuahuas.


Answer by  BlackMamba (54)

When someone says that chihuahua is an "apple head" they are simply referring to the shape of his/ her head.


Answer by  georgesmith (138)

This is simply a breed of Chihuahua with an overly large head. The head is about the size of an apple.

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