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Question by  Lisa69 (14)

What is a reciprocal?


Answer by  Joatmon (39)

Reciprocal means " goes both directions " or " to go back and forth " and can sometimes also be used to mean Mutual.

posted by Anonymous
ok look thats not what I want  add a comment

Answer by  Meren (5)

In mathematical terms, a reciprocal of a number is 1 divided by the number. Multiplying a number by it's reciprocal, gives you 1. For example, reciprocal of 4 = 1/4


Answer by  warriorangel18 (106)

If you are talking in numbers, it is basically the number flipped over itself and then its sign is changed. For example, if you have the number 4, the reciprocal would then be -1/4.

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