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Do tattoo parlors have angel designs?
Does anyone make a nice angel crib?
Is Lucifer the angel of music?
Is the trumpet a good instrument to learn if I'd like to join a marching band?
What are the requirements for joining the coast guard?
What do the Hell's Angels stand for?
When to use an outer join over an inner join when doing Microsoft access query's?
Question by k (44) Loading Data Please wait...
Answer by ellie61 (478) Loading Data Please wait...
You must learn the requirements of being a Hell's Angel in your area. After a period of time, you may be sponsored by a charter member to join.
Answer by SarahJane (114) Loading Data Please wait...
According to a friend who is a former member of the Hell's Angels you have to kill someone, but if you know other members, they will take other crimes
Answer by sheeba (22) Loading Data Please wait...
It is easy to join in hell's angels. Stand against God is a way to hell. World is filled with sins so it is on the way to hell.
Answer by TwoToneDodge (2204) Loading Data Please wait...
You know them, your family, you follow no rules. You dont really "join" the hells angels. They take you or they leave you.
Answer by Anonymous
Say you're a REPO MAN and you're going to take their bike. to prevent this from happening they'll let youin free and clear.
Walk up to 1 of them and say you hate their bike and beat the heck out of them.
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