what is


Question by  Jacki14 (86)

What does "daemon" mean in the "e-mail mailer daemon"?


Answer by  patti (29325)

In Greek mythology, a daemon is a guardian spirit. "Daemon" is also a word for "devil. " In terms of email, "daemon" deems an email undeliverable and sends it back.


Answer by  Duncan (1124)

A daemon is a background running process on a unix system. Unlike processes started or managed by the user, a daemon is usually started by other programs.


Answer by  ady (94)

The daemon in the e-mail mailer daemon is associated with the address to which you are willing to sent a message. So if you send the message to an e-mail and you get back an e-mail mailer daemon it means the e-mail to which you send the message doesn't exist.


Answer by  cocarabbit (107)

Its a symbolic name for a virus that infects you through email. The Daemon is a typically a malicious type of creature, hence the e-mail mailer daemon. Anti virus, and you should be alright.


Answer by  Anonymous

Its an acronym for Disk and Execution Monitor , used by UNIX.

posted by Anonymous
Finally a straight answer!  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

term was coined by programmers of MIT's Project MAC.They took the name from Maxwell's demon an imaginary being from famous thought experiment that constantly works in the background sorting molecules.Daemons are characters in Greek mythology.they handled tasks that the gods could not be bothered with.daemon an alternative spelling of demon

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