

Question by  johnchapin (52)

What do a company's objectives mean?

They seem to have nothing to do with revenue.


Answer by  rightlight (1053)

Company objectives are just anything a business wants to accomplish or be known for. For instance, a company's objectives could be to improve on environmentalism or build more stores.


Answer by  chrik (56)

A company's objective are the goals that the company sets aside for itself. This can be either for within the company (for its employees) or outside of the company, directed towards its customers. For example, a company objective may be to maintain trust within its employees, while it can also be providing the fastest possible service to its customers.


Answer by  ijlalnoor (2656)

They have a lot to do with revenue. The objectives makes it clear for the whole management of the business of what to do in the future as they now know what they have to get. These goals will also help to motivate the staff. This all indirectly leads to a successful business, thus more revenue.


Answer by  Aya (797)

Objectives can include revenue, but they tend to encompass a companies larger goals: what the company wishes to accomplish, what they will do for the community, and what direction they will take in the future.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

This is what a company wants to do. This may be a statement of its product line, its customer base, or the industry that it wants to excel within. This may be their goal of becoming the leading supplier of a product or service or to meet specific industry certifications.


Answer by  GilFinn (2065)

In the end, it all boils down to revenue. The objective just states the means intended to get the revenue. A service company for instance may state "Our goal is to become the premier provider of (this service) by (doing whatever) that all will seek to the exclusion of others."

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