health conditions


Question by  Mel59 (20)

What could cause a copper taste in my mouth?


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

It sounds like somewhere you came into contact with something you either ate or drank or something that went into the pores of your skin that had a heavy metal in it you need to go in and see the doctor there are medications they can give you.


Answer by  JSmith0330 (616)

You could be suffering from something called Helicobacter Pylori this an infection in the stomach and your upper part of your small intestine. This is something you might want to contact your doctor about and tell them whats going on. They have a test to check for this they can take blood or stool sample.


Answer by  rosieposey78 (1304)

Medications and supplements (ranging from antibiotics, medicines for high blood pressure, or diabetes), oral hygiene problems (gingivitis or periodontal disease), and various medical conditions (cancer, peptic ulcer, acute kidney failure) can all cause metallic tastes in the mouth.


Answer by  Zoe (2369)

Sometimes this can be caused by improper oral hygiene. Other times it can be caused by a more serious problem like cancer or lead poisoning. More commonly if you take calcium carbonate supplements you will get a strange metallic taste.


Answer by  MattK (1713)

Though it has been reported that metals such as copper, iron and zinc have their own unique tastes, very few people have the ability to tell the difference. If you are in fact tasting copper or at least a metallic taste in your mouth, it is most likely from your water. You may also have an old, wearing filling.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Alot of things could cause that to happen and some of them are pretty serious you need to get in and see the doctor about it.

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