

Question by  mysconnie (21)

What could be causing a foul smell coming from the shower drain?


Answer by  sherryk (621)

It's caused by sewer gas that enters because the drain hasn't had water down it in a while. Every couple of months I try to remember to run the water in our guest bathroom shower for a minute --just so the water in the trap doesn't dry up. That works.


Answer by  Zyada (28)

If the shower is unused, then the trap has dried up. The trap normally has water in it which prevents sewer gasses from escaping into the house.


Answer by  CarolynOsborne (2804)

Probably a lot of gunk has accumulated. A moist area like that is a great place for various kinds of smelly things to grow. The way to deal with this is to clean out the drain with some kind of drain cleaner. Usually you let that stuff sit in the drain for awhile then flush it out with water.


Answer by  jevitiz (142)

It could be many things. Our house had that problem and we found out that is was actually coming from our water heater not the drain.


Answer by  Fred (19)

Two things come to mind. First if the trap in the drain becomes empty maybe due to a leak or evaporation, this would allow sewer gasses to come up. And second if anyone in the household uses a Dandruff shampoo that contains sulfur this will smell if not rinsed away properly.

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