

Question by  lorenzobonomi (12)

What can you tell me about intramuscular shots for dogs?


Answer by  Loyola (378)

Intramuscular shots inject medication into the dog's larger muscles. This avoids hitting blood vessels, which would absorb medication too quickly, and allows the administration of a larger dose. For example, pain injections need prompt but long lasting effects. Muscles are rich in the veins and capillaries that facilitate absorption.


Answer by  dogguy87 (25)

Intramuscular shots are shots of medicine applied directly to the muscle by use of needle injection, usually very small amounts. There are several medicine that are applied intramuscular, like antibiotics, pain medication or a viccine.


Answer by  Jolie (1227)

This shot will be given a little deeper because it is made to be given into the muscle not just under the skin.


Answer by  msjanetjones (158)

An intramuscular shot is the act of giving a vaccination shot, usually rabies, directly into the muscular portion of the dog's leg or hip.

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