health conditions


Question by  arlen (30)

What are the symptoms of an appendicitis?

Specifiably what side will hurt when you are having an appendicitis?


Answer by  Darry (3853)

Typically appendicitis presents with abdominal pain near the bellybutton that moves to the lower right side slightly above the hip bone. You may have vomiting and a fever as well as a reluctance to eat. Movement typically exacerbates the pain and most patients prefer to lie still. The appendix can rupture providing relief from pain but causing abdominal infection.


Answer by  DrMom (854)

Appendicitis pain can start around the belly button or it may first start in the right lower abdomen. Nausea and vomiting with fever may also be present. If the pain suddenly disappears and the abdomen hardens, this indicates a rupture and is extremely dangerous. Call your doctor.


Answer by  tareco (45)

Appendicitis will begin in the lower right side of the stomach. Other symptoms would include lack of appetite, fever, nausea. Vomiting could occur as good bowel issues such as diarrhea or constipation.


Answer by  sherryk (621)

There will first be generalized pain in the abdomen that moves accutely to the right side. Popcorn and Peanuts should never be given to children under three. If not chewed properly, they can lodge in the appendix, causing an appendicitis. Older kids understand instructions: "chew THOROUGHLY" thus can eat safely.


Answer by  diva25 (4016)

Your right side will hurt since that is where they are located. It will most likely feel like pressure. If you do have appendicitis you will need to get to the ER soon you don't have long to live. If they rupture they can actually poison you.

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