pros and cons


Question by  Angel50 (23)

What are the pros and cons of nationalism?


Answer by  SkepticalMario (32)

Nationalism is the self-identity with a sovereign state. Such a sentiment promotes camaraderie with other citizens of the same state, allowing the group to bond together for a common purpose. On the other hand nationalism tends to exclude all those outside the group to the extent that it becomes persecution.


Answer by  mzred22 (9)

Some pros are a sense of security, better military.Some cons makes the people arrogant (believing they're 'superior' to others)such as thinking their superior.


Answer by  wjgsert (403)

Nationalism has a few good points, people tend to work for the good of the state, which allows people to come together with like interests and accomplish their goals. The cons are many, as illustrated by Hitler's Germany, nationalism almost always ends with one group of people being vilified.


Answer by  twitchard (143)

A pro is a set sense of unity among the group or nation; a feeling of belonging. A con is this ability of a nation to become beligerent about themselves.


Answer by  A36 (629)

Nationalism can serve to unite a group of people, enabling them to make political, economic, and social progress. Unfortunately, however, nationalism can often cause conflict between various nations, leading to war. It can also be a precursor to national chauvinism and discrimination against those outside of one's nation.


Answer by  mii (237)

One thing that is good about nationalism is that people will be motivated to do things for their country and its people that they would not be motivated to do unless they thought very highly of it. On the other hand, it can cause wars and discrimination toward members of a different national group.


Answer by  Anonymous

Nationalism can create a feeling of belonging, and pride towards ones nation. But often can lead to extreme nationalism, like Nazi Germany. And can make you believe your own nations values, beliefs and culture is the only right way.


Answer by  chalyse (147)

The pros of nationalism include building a sense of community between many different groups of people who share a common land, and thus promote harmony. The cons include risking isolation from other groups of people who do not share the same land, and not benefiting from their expertise and good will.


Answer by  Anonymous

Nationalism can cause people to have pride in accomplishments they never achieved however it can unite people and bring them together, nationalism needs a limit


Answer by  Anonymous

Some reasons that all people may not like nationalism is that they feel that nationalism excludes a certain group to the extent that it becomes persecution. Some people also feel that nationalism is arrogant, that they believe they are superior to others. But,


Answer by  Anonymous

+ : provide identity, sense of belonging, purpose, security, power (strength in numbers). - : blindness, narrow or closemindedness, arrogance, aggression, elitism, sense of divine purpose (manifest destiny), conflict, competition, war, sacrifice of life & blood (WW1), manipulation of the masses


Answer by  elb (1105)

Strong national feeling increases solidarity and eases sacrifice in times of war and economic hardship. But it fuels divisiveness and violence between groups in multicultural societies.


Answer by  veritable (5)

pro side, nationalism can bring about togetherness for a nation not joined by cultural ties. con side, it can invoke negative feelings about people from outside that group


Answer by  Sue82 (30)

The pro is that we are proud of ourself, our family, our city, etc. The con is that we begin to think we are better than others and stop thinking.


Answer by  bumblebee (313)

Nationalism can be agood thing by promoting a group of people to take pride and work towards the nation being the best. The cons of Nationalism is that people can become skeptical and start to question the vision.

posted by Anonymous
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Answer by  Anonymous

Pros - Building a sense of pride towards your nation , also known as patrisiom towards one's nation , Ex: celebrating Canada day. Cons- Allows nations to believe they are superior and there culture is the right (bias). Ex: Holocaust 1915 , Hitler exterminating jews & wanting pure Aryan race.

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