Do people really pay money to get strangers soaked at some theme parks?
What are some classic mellow 80's songs?
What are some oldie love songs?
What are some popular 70's dance songs?
What is The Apprentice's theme song?
What songs were Led Zeppelin's greatest hits?
What songs would make great additions to an "old school" dancing mix?
music tv
Question by saleemqureshi (12)
Is that show on any more?
Answer by OCD (130)
The song is "They" by Gem. Some of the lyrics are as follows: Who are they And where are they And how can they possibly know all this Who are they And where are they And how can they possibly know all this
Answer by Danie86 (294)
"They" by Jem Who made up all the rules We follow them like fools Believe them to be true Don't care to think them through And I'm sorry so sorry
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