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Question by  worker3884 (57)

What are the instructions for putting music into powerpoint?


Answer by  Steveunterkoefler (23)

First you are going to want to hover over the main menu, then over "Insert" on the drop-down menu hover over "Movies and Sounds" and click on "Sound from file." Now you can select the file you want to add to the presentation and make sure to select the .Mp3 format.


Answer by  therealnapster (107)

In Microsoft PowerPoint you can insert music by clicking the insert tab. Then click sound. From here you can choose sound from file to insert music from another location.


Answer by  lanadavies (127)

In powerpoint, there should be a link. First, you download the file. Then you go to the drop down menu and find the header 'insert'. Click on insert and look down until you find 'Movies and Sounds' and then locate 'Sound from File'. Find the file you want and you're done.


Answer by  rivndellelf (55)

Open your PowerPoint presentation. Click Insert, and then choose Movies and Sounds. Select Sound from File. Choose the music that you want to use and press OK. Choose how you want your music to start in your presentation.


Answer by  Irene (104)

Under the insert tab, select sound clip. You will find an option labelled "Sound clip from file. " Click on this link and find the music file to insert it.


Answer by  kiradeleria (465)

Click slideshow from the drop down menu and then click slide transition. There should be a button or direction that will tell you how to add music files to your powerpoint. Once you have clicked this choose either from your clip sounds, sounds on your computer, or mp3s that you wish to play into your powerpoint.

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