what is


Question by  osaed (4)

What are some normal college interview questions?

How do I prepare?


Answer by  aimzer19 (73)

Some typical college interview questions include, but are not limited to: "What kind of extra-cirrucular activites are you involved in?" "Do you volunteer?" "Have you taken any AP classes in high school?" "What is it that attracts you to this university?" "What is your G.P.A.?" "How many in your graduating class?" There really is no way to prepare. Be honest!


Answer by  EdwinHucklefinnaginn (4)

Some questions you could prepare yourself for are things such as: What are you life goals? , Do you plan on being involved in clubs at the campus? , When you are around friends doing things you don't agree with how do you react? , What do you do in your free time? , How important is it for you to do well on your homework?. Things that pertain to your performance in and outside of school.

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