home remedies


Question by  Taran (716)

What are some natural remedies to prevent hair breakage?


Answer by  KIndiraNarasimham (142)

The Egg Yolk and Olive Oil Treatment- combine one egg yolk and 2 tbsp of olive oil and apply to your hair. Vitamin E Treatment - take about five vitamin E capsules and combine them with your shampoo and wash your hair. Hot Oil Treatment - Apply the oil to your hair.


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

Eating healthily is a must for healthy hair, plenty of vitamin c. Rinsing hair in egg yolk leave it on for two to three minutes is very good as it contains protein. Warm olive oil is also very good and if you can leave on overnight better for your hair.


Answer by  poppies (13)

My hair is difficult to grow. Protein helped. So, take one egg yolk, beat it add 1/2 cup water and a tablespoon of conditioner and mix. Then shampoo and rinse with egg mixture, wrap hair in towel and within 5 minutes rinse, re-shampoo and condition. Seems to help.


Answer by  mehul80 (136)

we have to apply oil daily.dryness of the hair only get hair breakage.Mostly we can heat the coconut oil lightly.then we have to apply in the split area this is the good remedy.if we do this regularly we can avoid the hair breakage.


Answer by  worker76 (773)

the best thing that I've found to help hair stay healthy and strong is to (as crazy as it may sound) pour a can of beer over my head while im showering and let it stand for 1-2 minutes. the proteins will strengthen your hair

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