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Question by  durgeshgn09gmailcom (8)

What are some good tips for playing slot machines?

I am going to Vegas soon and would like to know how to win at slot machines.


Answer by  technogeek (6640)

The best that I can offer is that you linger around the machines, watching people play until someone fills up a machine and walks away, then jump on that machine.


Answer by  Kurt (4579)

The slot machines are designed to pay at periodic times. Look for players that finally give up on a machine in disgust and then start playing the same machine.


Answer by  Vogin (108)

The one and also the best tip is not to play them, because it's based entirely on luck. It's also what I call the wrong hazard game, because in front of these automats it doesn't matter whether you are smart or stupid, skillful or lame - you give your money entirely in the hands of fortune and faith.


Answer by  Jonah14 (640)

Set a budget, don't get over it, be content beforehand with spending all of it and not winning anything and pray to get lucky.

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