Can a female with one ovary still get pregnant?
Can your eye contacts have a different base curve and diameter?
What can you tell me about periods with only one ovary?
What does an enlarged left ovary mean?
What does the term status epilepticus refer to?
What is the reason for ovary pain and lower back pain on the same side as my ovary?
Why do dog groomers express glands?
human body what is
Question by tiattajo (1)
I hear the term a lot but I don't get it.
Answer by RaeK (36)
Gonads is another term for reproductive glands. It can be used to refer to either the ovary or the testis.
Answer by whoareyou (3483)
Gonad is just another term for testicles. Some of the other terms and slang for the male genetalia are: nuts, junk, balls, stuff, ect. They are a major part of the male reproductive organ.
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