

Question by  julia (24)

What are concerns for a pregnancy that is overdue?

I have gone past my due date with my pregnancy.


Answer by  scariapj (346)

You should be always under the attention of your care taker and they will conduct tests that will give them the exact state of the baby and thus ,they can understand whether the delivery can be extended to a few days further and also they should understand the mental condition of you too in order to extend it.


Answer by  seb (220)

After 40 weeks gestation your placenta starts to run out of resources for lack of a better word. Therefore, a doctor usually will not let you go more than one week past your due date. Another factor could be the weight of the baby and how difficult normal vaginal delivery could be for the mother.


Answer by  Clement (1453)

Many women go beyond their due date. If, however, you are going past 42 weeks you should definitely consult your gynaecologist as the risk of stillbirth increases. In the UK it is equal to 1/3000 for 39 weeks, 4/3000 for 42 weeks and 8/3000 for 43 weeks.


Answer by  shenbaha (14)

A baby who is unwell (or compromised) may decrease the number of movements they make. Counting baby's movements is a simple.

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