

Question by  Kayla (144)

I'm having all of the pregnancy symptoms but started bleeding like a period, why?


Answer by  KatDay (104)

First of all, it is important to verify the pregnancy with an OB/GYN. If pregnancy is confirmed and bleeding occurs, it may be for a few reasons. It could be a miscarriage, placental abruption (heavy bright red bleeding and severe pain), or placenta previa that covers the cervix.


Answer by  kipcat (1964)

If you have taken a pregnancy test and it was positive, do not be alarmed. Some women still have a light period the first few months of pregnancy. If the bleeding is accompanied by cramps or other problems, see a doctor as soon as possible.


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

In some pregnancies, you can still bleed for the first trimester. It could also be that you are not pregnant but suffering from the flu. Take a pregnancy test.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

That is because most of the symptoms of pregnancy can be mistaken for period symptoms. You could just be having your period or it's possible that you could have been pregnant and now are miscarrying. Most women miscarry before they even are aware that they are pregnant and then just have a normal period.


Answer by  Ali41 (1593)

Prengnancy symptoms and menstral symptoms are often very similar. If you suspect you are pregnancy, you should take a pregnancy test, available at your local drug store. It is not uncommon to bleed at the beginning of pregnancy, this is called implantation spotting. However, this bleeding would only be a small amount.

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