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Question by  Sndarapandian (6)

How to remove a spring clip located on a car headlight?


Answer by  ong1057 (47)

Without a special tool,you will need 2 srewdrivers one small and a larger one. - with the small srewdriver gently lift the spring leg and with the other larger pry the spring out at the middle section ensuring that it does not spring out(a piece of cloth will help here).


Answer by  saraphillips (268)

The spring clip on the headlight can be removed by using a flat blade screwdriver. Slide the blade, flat side down under the edge of the clip and gently remove it.


Answer by  cody (1331)

this is how you remove a spring clip on your cars headlight. use a screw driver on the clip and it will losing it and then you put the clip off with your hand


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Remove it with a screwdriver or a set of needle nosed pliers. Your need to get one sided starter then wiggle the other one until it starts and comes off.

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