


Question by  killerbee (19)

How do you find the square root of the fraction of 64/100?


Answer by  Seaofthesun14 (9)

One way is by finding what fraction multiplied by itself gives you 64/100 which is 8/10. Another way is to split the square root to both the numerator and denominator. Once one isolates the numerator (64) and denominator (100) and finds the square roots separately. One is able to combine both numbers so that the answer is 8/10.


Answer by  esteban (1334)

To find the square root of a fraction, you can just take the square roots of its numerator and its denominator. So, for this fraction, 64/100, you would take the square root of 64, which is 8, and the square root of 100, which is 10. That will give you 8/10, but that reduces to 4/5, which is your answer.

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