

Question by  rstacey (23)

How do you build a BBQ pit?

We want to have a luau.


Answer by  Atomicrayon (2504)

A BBQ pit can be created by digging a trench roughly 2-3 feet in depth, and then filling the trench with concrete. The grass around the BBQ Pit should be removed to prevent fires. You'll also need mortar and bricks to create the base of the pit. A certified BBQ Pit maker should be used for this task.


Answer by  caylascreations78 (489)

You should use large, hot stones. That is how they make BBQ pits in Hawaii and other islands. The food is great.


Answer by  ruffy (1117)

dig a hold in the ground and then put rocks on the bottom and then wrap a whole pig in tin foil real good wood on bottom and some top

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