how to


Question by  Smile24x7 (35)

How do I connect my television's audio outputs to my home theater system?

I need to know, step by step, which cables connect to which input terminals.


Answer by  Sabharish (1610)

Take a view at back panel of your television and there will be a socket named "out" using the corresponding socket wire you can connect to a home theater system.


Answer by  hibpmgirl (2166)

THere should be auxiliray cables on your tv that can be connected to your home theater system. You have to makes sure that the sound is going out from the tv and in to the system. You also have to make sure they are in the correct aux. holes. Older tvs only have three aux holes.


Answer by  kqwik (317)

Connect the red and white RCA cables to the TV outputs, they are color coded. Connect the red and white cables to the the audio inputs on the home theater.


Answer by  jaljl25 (547)

Well usually you have three cables. One is red and one is green and one is yellow. You should have the three color coded onto your home theatre system and then simply insert.


Answer by  sonicfoundation (2597)

The audio outputs are easy to connect. They are all color coded so you take tell exactly where to connect each plug.


Answer by  pfrink (80)

Depending on the age of your equipment and what hook ups you have on your equipment will depend on how you would hook it up. Traditionally, you would need to connect audio inputs into your head unit that come from either your television or your cable or satellite box, if you have one.


Answer by  worker2148 (144)

Make sure you use the correct cables. Match the corresponding cables from the outputs to the input jacks in the theater system. Also, if connecting directional sound cables (left, right, center, etc. ) be sure to connect them accordingly.

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