

Question by  allokar (13)

How can I throw a good Christmas party?


Answer by  pyritejenny (347)

First, decorate with a Christmas theme, with restraint. Serve traditional seasonal foods, such as cookies, punch, or eggnog. Consider a gift grab game. Guests roll dice to win cheap wrapped presents, and may steal gifts from one another if they roll doubles. Sing carols perhaps?


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

Advance preparation is key. make sure your guest list includes an approximately equal number of males and females. Keep the menu simple but not too simple. Make sure the room is festive but not cheap looking. Don't let anyone drive home who has been drinking.


Answer by  Jo33 (26)

There are three main essentials to a good Christmas party: Delicious food, tasty cocktails and good Christmas music. Think about your audience and gear your food, drinks, music, and games toward the type of crowd you are inviting.


Answer by  ccorp (260)

The key to throwing a good Christmas party is to "involve" the people that you are inviting to your festive occasion. Have a "potluck" party and have your guests to bring their own special "holiday" dish. This will bring some variety and excitement to your party.


Answer by  Joanne (54)

Select a suitable venue, provide a variety of food, Christmas decorations at the venue, present exchange at the party, give out attractive prizes through lucky draw, set a theme for the party so that the attendees dress up according to the theme.

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