how to

 dogs  how to


Question by  mlexar (14)

How can I go about marking the dog after he marks?


Answer by  piratewt21 (41)

What I find to be a most successful method is by bringing the dog to the spot it marked and expressing in a calm tone it is wrong.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Buy odor mute every time the dog does it spray the spot with odor mute the other thing you can do is everytime the dog goes to do it if you can catch him carry a spray bottle with you with clear water in it and about the time he is gonna do it give him a spray.


Answer by  lpfirman (403)

You don't want to mark the dog. He is just letting any other dogs around know that he is there and this is his territory. If he is marking in the house, behavior modification is needed.


Answer by  gbella (216)

Marking the dog is not an appropriate way to house-break him. Correcting him immediately after he marks and rewarding him when he goes outside is the best way to train.


Answer by  srainne (2597)

Sounds like you have a dominance issue going on - you'll need to eliminate the core issue in the house and clean thoroughly to rid the place of the scent.

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