how to


Question by  udaipur (219)

How can I compost human waste?

is it safe... if so are there special precautions I need to take?


Answer by  Emr (698)

Its generally not a good idea to compost human waste. Human waste can transmit diseases such as hepatitis and (in some rare cases) vaccine induced polio. In any urban area, a sewage treatment plant is able to process waste safely. If you must compost your waste, there are companies, such as Clivius, which manufacture composting toilets.


Answer by  Anonymous

Construct a 3 ft by 3ft bin using used pallets, always deposit the waste material into the host center and cover with a layer of other material like leaves, grass, weeds. Purchase a thermometer and make sure it heats up above 113 deg F. Let sit 1-2 yrs


Answer by  Amom (701)

You can purchase or build a composting toilet. Before spend the money do a check of your local building regulations to determine if composting toilets are allowed in your area.


Answer by  mitchelld (122)

The most basic way to compost human waste is a composting toilet. A composting toilet is a toilet that is a stand alone unit which is neither connected to a sewer line or septic tank. They use a process by which the waste is broken down over time into dirt.

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