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Question by  wenawolf (9)

Can you give me a review of Luxman stereo receivers?

I am specifically interested in the R-117.


Answer by  ajk71486 (219)

I cannot give a personal review of the product but I can tell you what I have read. The unit seems to outperform most newer units and has nearly unrivaled sound quality at all volume levels. Several reviews I read say it is the best built unit of its time.


Answer by  ambo1516 (160)

The Luxman stereo receiver is the best receiver i ever seen even you are in the basement you can get a strong signal.


Answer by  kennethjgoodson (4903)

They are a really good receiver. I have one in my basement and it is the best receiver I have ever owned. It has a great sound quality and it just looks really good in the basement. I bought the one with the amplifier on the front and it is amazing with no complaints.

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