

Question by  jjoctober (23)

Can rings have magic?

I think they can.


Answer by  Turkwork (1150)

According to the Bible, magic is real but it is not something that we are suppose to be involved in so the answer is yes.


Answer by  Brett (7986)

Unfortunately, there is no such things as magic. However, rings can bring good luck, can make you feel better and can certainly have sentimental value which are all very important.


Answer by  aurynbearer (110)

Some rings can definitely hold esoteric powers. While they will not grant invisibility, supernatural speed and other flashy skills, some rings, if properly cared for and charged with emotional strength, can protect you from harmful deeds and intentions.


Answer by  beefcakejake (110)

Rings can evoke memories, perhaps of loved ones, or can be used to make a statement about the wearer. I believe this is the kind of magic rings can provide.

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