
 food  why


Question by  cnselvaraju (8)

Why do some people believe that nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet?


Answer by  lovetoeat (15)

Eating vegetarian reduces the amount of meat slaughtered for human consumption. A lot of resources are spent growing, feeding and killing chickens, cows, beef, etc. including greenery. Also, too much consumption of red meat is related to heart disease and other serious health conditions like obesity.


Answer by  rkaudia (63)

Eating a vegetarian diet is very beneficial to both human health and the environment. A lot of our natural resources such as land and water are wasted to produced meat. If instead we used these resources to produce crops, less people would starve and less natural resources would be wasted.


Answer by  Anonymous

Because people place undue trust on the authority. Einstein should stick to physics and leave evolution to biologists. The statement is utterly wrong. Please do your own investigation - there are plenty of research papers showing the opposite.


Answer by  thattractorguy (2970)

Because eating a vegetarian diet allows some animals to not become someone's dinner, there are some individuals who think this allows the animals to not become distinct.


Answer by  Anonymous

If we ate no animal products, we would stay alkaline and suffer far less illness, mental disorders, and aging conditions than we do today, if any! We would also live a lot longer and have total health to the very end, so sayeth Dr. Hay, creator of food combining.


Answer by  jamie1 (291)

Some people believe that eating a vegetarian diet is not high enough in protein and that you need to eat meat to get protein and have a normal diet to maintain a healthy body and get all the nutrition you need. Some people also believe man is meant to eat meat.


Answer by  Anonymous

Because Einstein said so.

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