

Question by  Murasaki (21)

Where can I look to rent a hardwood floor nailer?


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Check around your local hardware stores. If they don't rent them they would be able to tell you how and where to rent one.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Most of the home stores now rent floor nailers for the do it yourself repair person. Try Home Depot or Lowe's or look in the phone book under tool rentals.


Answer by  rbowersock (32)

There are many national chain stores such as Home Depot and Lowes that rent tools for projects at a reasonable price.


Answer by  jer (61)

Typically all professional tools can be rented from a large box store like home depot. If you can not find one there try a rental company such as rental max.


Answer by  et (154)

I would go to your local hardware store and rent one. They will have everything else that you need to complete the job in one trip.


Answer by  les59 (852)

Most hardware stores like Lowes or Home Depot also rent tools and equipment for doing jobs. They do this because not everyone needs to keep the tools that they use. Renting them is fairly easy and it is cost effective for smaller contractors. Fill out some paperwork with personal information and you're set to go.


Answer by  Totty (-18)

hardwood floor nailer shop

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