

Question by  Heather0816 (16)

What should we do if my partner doesn't want more children but I do?


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

Thsi is going to require long hard discussions on both of your parts. This is not something easily settled. List the pros and cons and go from there.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

You should have a heart to heart with your partner and discuss your feelings, it is important that you come to an agreement about what you want in life.


Answer by  Sara64 (113)

Human beings are very selfish. neutral family system is the reason of it. Children from there do not know how to share. I will make an awareness to my partner.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

The partner who does not want more children should have the final say. Bringing in more children than the other wants creates major stress. But do discuss their reasoning.

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