

Question by  adgordon3 (30)

What should my two year old be learning?

I feel as if my two year old is falling behind people her age and would like to help her to know everything she should.


Answer by  Brandon55 (1719)

Two year olds are usually beginning to talk, so working with them on language can be a big help. Kids learn through language. Some kids start to potty train, but mostly you should be watching to see if they play with toys and start working on fitting objects into things.


Answer by  John (9008)

Children develop at different rates, and there are commonly fits and starts. Most two year olds should be able to talk well enough to make their wants known, identify mommy and daddy, and run. Some children will be more advanced; some will be less. If you're concerned, your pediatrician can easily evaluate your child for developmental delay.


Answer by  str8upcutie83 (471)

Children this age learn mostly while playing. You would be surprised at how much you can teach them through play. Try colored blocks or toys to teach colors, or a shape sorta to help them recognize shapes. Allow her to do simple puzzles since that teaches problem solving. If none of that works check with your pediatrician.

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