

Question by  Dale23 (192)

What should I know when buying food quantities for 100 people or more?


Answer by  LovesPets (36)

Go to your local deli and order platters of food you save yourself a lot of time and the money you might spend at the grocery store may be more than if you order platters from the deli. Just be sure to give them enough notice, usually 24hrs. If you do go to the food store buy generic/store brands.


Answer by  AmandaZ (92)

You have to make sure that you keep the food at a certain temperature, out of the sun and if it requires to, be in the fridge or freezer.


Answer by  elkper9000 (31)

You will need to decide what to serve, and then determine the quantity of each type of food you will need to serve 100 people.


Answer by  Srfingfreak (697)

You should look at the portion sizes you'd like one person to have, then multiply it by 120. This will make up for spillage or spoilage.


Answer by  Carol57 (70)

Consider the type of meal, time of day, gender and ages of the people invited. If you are planning a large variety of foods, don't plan to serve 100 with each dish. One serving of meat, 2 of bread and 2 of vegetables for each person should suffice.

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