

Question by  genevieve217 (17)

What should I do if my toddlers big toenails are peeling?


Answer by  tru (144)

If it is continuing to happen and not showing signs of getting better, I would take to doctor or dermatologist. If the child has been recently been sick it can cause nails to stop growing and when they start again it can look like peeling. However, hand, foot and mouth disease can cause this. Wouldn't hurt to get checked.


Answer by  Tabatha (440)

Sometimes if a child has been really sick for several days, they nails will stop growing for a short period of time. Once the child is healthy and back to normal, they nails will begin to grow again. When this happens, it looks as if the nail is peeling. If this is the case, the nails will be fine.


Answer by  glow (120)

Peeling toenails could be a sign of a toenail fungus, so first have the child's physician take a look at his or her feet.

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