pet health


Question by  chavez (12)

What should I do about a tear in my puppy's ear?


Answer by  bex (116)

Clean and disinfect the skin. You can apply Neosporin or a similar antibiotic cream. Take the puppy to the vet. He may need stitches or some other treatment.


Answer by  puppygrrl (103)

You should definitely take your puppy to a veterinarian. Only a veterinarian is qualified to diagnose the severity of the tear and prevent an infection.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

If it's bad enough, you should see your vet immediately. For a real small tear, clean it well with peroxide/alcohol and put it back together with super glue.


Answer by  AmirLuskyTinyBoy (229)

If the ear literally tore, then get your dog to a vet ASAP, but sometimes ears look like they have a tear when it's just a flap of skin.

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