


Question by  manuelr78 (43)

What plants have a taproot system?


Answer by  Plantmasta (110)

A couple plants that come to mind are roses/lilies. In general I'd say plants are difficult for most novices to handle. You should either consult a skilled botanist, or at the very least pick up a "Plants for Dummies" book. There are a lot of different plant types to identify.


Answer by  Suranee (81)

Plants with tap roots are those that store food in its roots for its survival. The most common type of plants with tap roots are certain trees, vegetables and even flowering plants. The mango tree and the oak tree are two varieties of trees with a tap root. Carrots, Radishes and Beetroot are examples of vegetables with a tap root.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

There are entirely to many to name on here. If you want to know all of them do a google search on them and it will give you an entire list with all of them and information on them that you will be able to print out for future reference.


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

The taproot grows vertically down and will resprout after the top is pulled off. Plants include turnip, radishe, parsnip, dandelion, burdock, poppy mallow, kudzu. Beets and carrots are tuberous and modified from the taproot. Some desert plants have taproot systems. Some mesquites have taproots that reach 50' or longer.

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