

Question by  Tara27 (116)

What is trichinosis?

It is also called trichinellosis.


Answer by  yaga (9)

Trichinosis is a disease caused by eating undercooked pork , raw pork or meat of wild game infected by a larvae. The larvae specy is roundworm Trichinella spiralis also called trichina worm.


Answer by  carol (1241)

Trichinosis is a parasitic infection that is caused by eating raw or undercooked pork products. The roundworm parasite eventually lodges itself in human muscle. This causes an initial fever, itching and chills.


Answer by  Cecilia (2828)

Trichinosis is the name for a disease you can get from eating undercooked pork. It's actually a parasite. Heat will kill the parasite and this is one of the reasons you cook pork until it's no longer pink in the middle. It's relatively rare in the US but if you're concerned you should contact your health professional.


Answer by  jangm96 (899)

Trichinosis is a parasitic disease that is caused by eating raw or undercooked pork or wild game that has been infected with the larvae of a species of roundworm Trichinella spiralis. This roundworm is also commonly called the trichina worm. There have been few cases in the U.S. and they mostly from eating undercooked game, bear meat or home-reared pigs.


Answer by  vietnamgirls (1177)

Trichinosis is a disease caused by a parasite. It is contracted from eating raw or undercooked pork or wild game. Symptoms include cramping, diarrhea, and fever.


Answer by  martin (522)

Trichinosis is when a person's muscles are invaded by the trichinella parasite. This parasite also infects pigs. People usually get trichinosis by eating meat from an infected pig.


Answer by  Doomstoned (1454)

Trichinosis or trichinellosis is a kind of parasitic disease most commonly associated with the consumption of improperly cooked or raw pork meat that is infected with the larvae of the trichina worm.

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