what is


Question by  Christine (14)

What is the formula for finding the length of a rectangular prism?


Answer by  esteban (1334)

We let the volume of the prism be V, the height be H, the width by W, and the length by L. Since the formula for the volume of rectangular prism is V = LWH, with a little algebra, we get the formula for length: L = V/(WH). (Length equals volume divided by the product of the width and height.


Answer by  ecimir (89)

Rectangular prism has all angles of 90 degrees and two pairs of equal sites. Formula for the length of rectangular prism "O" is : O = 2*a + 2*b.


Answer by  unni (259)

the length o a rectangular prism = total length of the four sides. in a rectangular prim total length = 2(l+b)

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