

Question by  Severin (22)

What is the expected salary for a mediation attorney?


Answer by  Kamalani (128)

The income for a mediation attorney may vary from state to state, but the average tends to be around $69,000-70,000 per year.


Answer by  raneil (24)

The expected salary for a mediation attorney should be approximately $200,000 per year in the state of California. This salary is based on 20 billable hours per week.


Answer by  rjs108 (310)

An arbitration or mediation attorney can expect to make between $60,000 and $80,000 dollars a year depending on their region and area of expertise.


Answer by  Cali2307 (1337)

The salary range will differ upon work location, but new attorney's should expect to earn between $65,000 and $117,000 annually, with the majority of 0-3 year attorneys falling between $77,000 and $104,000. This median range increases to $124,000 - $166,000 with increased experience.


Answer by  LadyLawyer (325)

Of course, salaries vary by region and expertise. I would expect the salary of a mediation attorney to be in the range of 250 to 650 dollars for family matters; 650 to 950 for corporate matters. After all, you are trying to avoid the cost of trial so the cost is worth it.

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