

Question by  DoctorGenius (29)

What is the best way to treat cataracts in dogs?


Answer by  HGS73 (27)

Cantaracts in dogs can develope quickly and cause blindness that can become permanent if surgery is not performed as soon as possible.


Answer by  soccerpig73 (67)

Cataracts should be removed as quickly as possible via eye surgery. However, another treatment for cataracts are special eye drops that are used over the rest of the dog's lifetime.


Answer by  Cali (518)

When dogs get old, they develop cataracts as a sign of aging. The vet can provide you with medication for the cataracts, and a healthy diet rich in vegetables might help reduce the effects of cataracts in old dogs.


Answer by  angelsdozens (218)

The best thing to do for a dog with cataracts is listen to your vet. Your vet will have the best answer. While there are numerous "holistic" treatments out there it is always best to check with your vet first. It's always 'Better Safe Than Sorry.'

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