what is


Question by  Qasim (1)

What is Rationing?


Answer by  Vespertine (51)

Rationing is when you control the distribution of something like food, water, or other material goods to the public because they are in scarce supply. The practice often occurs during wartime, both on the battlefield, where access to resources is limited, and on the home front as a means of supporting the war effort.


Answer by  Anonymous

Rationing is when food drink or other resorces are shared out equaly between a group of people when supply is short.


Answer by  Anonymous

When you are quite low on food for a party or something some people gived there rationing so someone else could have a nice special day like a wedding,birth or death its quite sad sometimes but they help in every way they can they give some rationings to there friends,family.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Rationing is when the government or civil authorities limit how much of an item or service that people can have. This typically includes water, food, medicine, or gasoline. For example, during World War 2, people were given coupon cards for a certain amount of food and only got that much.

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