

Question by  danzig (24)

What is an ideal weight for cats?


Answer by  horsegirlwm (30)

The ideal weight depends on the breed of cat. An average house cat should be around 7 lbs but larger breeds such as Maine Coons will be around 15 lbs.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Depends on breed and bone structure. Some purebreds weigh more/less than the average for non-purebreds: 8-12 lbs. Note that females weigh 2-4 lbs less than males.


Answer by  Sanjaykumar (30)

The weight of a cat depends upon the breed. Ideally, if it is a female,it weighs 15 lbs and if it is male, it weighs 22 lbs.


Answer by  aearthdragon (471)

It depeneds on the bone structure and activity of the cat. I would say no more than about 30 lbs for very large Maine Coon, and as low 4 lbs.

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