health conditions


Question by  Shatankra (25)

What is a varicose seal?


Answer by  Kbrece (107)

This is often associated with infertility and it is a seal on the testicles of a Man which can sometimes block sperm from passing through. Surgery is sometimes needed to correct the situation.


Answer by  Moma123 (1043)

Varicose seal is a treatment used for treating varicose veins. The nonfunctional veins that causes circulatory problems and pain, are sealed. A catheter is inserted through the skin and positioned inside the damaged vein. Then a laser fiber is inserted through the catheter and vein is sealed by applying heat.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

A varicose seal is found in a man's testicle. This is a very common cause of infertility in the male. It's just a varicose vein blocking semen.


Answer by  jsmith (2067)

A varicose seal simply means that the pathway for sperm to leave the testicle is blocked. It can lead to impotence and is treated surgically.

posted by Anonymous
the seal has left my testicle numb, is this too much pressure or lack of blood flow. the doc said leave it alone, but the numbness concerns me.  add a comment

Answer by  kamathnayak (26)

Varicose Seal is mostly a infertility condition where there is the blockage which does not allow sperm to pass through. This is a very painful condition in the groin. This can be treated only with the costly surgery. The Varicoes seal is the plumbing problem in the scrotum above the testicle that impedes sperms normal course.


Answer by  GVlad (104)

A varicocele is represented by an abnormal enlargement of the veins in the scrotum. It`s caused by defective vein valves or increased pressure in the abdomen.

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