what is


Question by  sauvblanc (96)

What is a theremin?


Answer by  sandiegorvt (42)

A theremin is a very interesting musical instrument that is played without any physical contact between the instrument and the musician. You play it by putting your hands near the 2 probes and waving tham around. The effect is very beautiful.


Answer by  SG888 (13)

An electronic musical instrument invented about 100 years ago. It is played by moving a wand-like object around a central metal bar. It produces various eerie sounds that have been featured in a lot of early sci-fi and horror movies.


Answer by  azchemfreak (95)

A theremin is a type of electronic musical instrument that can be played by not touching it. One plays it by effecting the electrical fields send out by two antennas and modulating them with the hands.


Answer by  Ginny (2251)

It is a type of musical instrument that is played without touching it. A box with two antennas, one horizontal controls volume and one vertical controls pitch. Your hand approaching the antennas controls the sounds.

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