health conditions


Question by  Randy73 (58)

What happens when stents in the heart are dislodged?


Answer by  Natarajan25 (15)

Dislodgement of stent leads lethal complication that results coronary embolization in patients and even cause death. Intravascular ultrasound can be use to detect dislodged stent. In case of dislodged stent, emergent coronary artery bypass graft surgery is required. Incidence of stent dislodgement can be lowered to 0. 5% from 8% by the improvement of equipment design.


Answer by  kgrim (510)

It is very rare but when it occurs specialists will try to perform a myocardio biopsy with biliary forceps to retrieve the stent.


Answer by  jaimesgirl (1055)

Stents being dislodged in the heart are EXTREMELY rare (less than 1 in 1000 chances). If this happens, however, they can cause tearing or blockage of the artery and heart attack or death.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

I think it would block the blood from going to the heart if that happens. I don't think the blood can move through if that happens.

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