what is


Question by  Milyca (41)

What does GOPP stand for?


Answer by  silli586 (1103)

GOPP stands for goal oriented project planning. This is a term that is often used when speaking of businesses and types of management that these businesses choose to use.


Answer by  Taylor11 (43)

Goal Oriented Project Planning is GOPP. This provides a systematic structure for identification, planning, and management of projects developed again in a workshop setting.


Answer by  shebillah (45)

GOPP, used by the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) stands for Goal-Oriented Project Planning. It is also known as "ZOPP" in German. When the program was first created, it was called the LFA or Logical Framework Approach. In order for GOPP or ZOPP to be successful, everybody involved must be active participants.


Answer by  ShayanFCB (366)

The GOPP is the General Organization for Physical Planning based in Cairo. The GOP however is the Grand Old Party, which is the original name for the Republican Party in the United States


Answer by  anna2662 (232)

GOPP is the acronym for Grand Old Party Parties. This being when the democratic party all hangout together and throw a big party.


Answer by  Janbo (31)

Goal-Oriented Project Planning (GOPP) is a means to a successful end with regard to project planning. GOPP delegates the participants to begin their project plans by stating what the final outcome is required to be and, in a sense, requires individuals to work backwards in planning how the project will proceed.

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