

Question by  Judy123 (18)

What could be causing extremely painful sharp pains in my toes?


Answer by  Phil75 (87)

It could be that your toenails have grown wider than the opening for them allows, a condition known as ingrown toenails. The nail continues to grow underneath the skin of your toes, pressing into the tender flesh within.


Answer by  P32nicky (73)

You might have an ingrowing toe nail. I'v have them all the time and they do hurt. Go see a chiropodist. Try wearing not so tight shoes or sandels.


Answer by  Steve80 (13)

Depending on your age there are many reasons for sharp pains in your toes. One could be the wrong fit of your footwear. Another could be a condition called "GOUT"


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

See your doctor. Pain in the toes can be cause by many things. Gout and arthritis are two of the more serious, but you could have broken/sprained it with out even noticing. Anytime your body changes or is in pain you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

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