

Question by  Vernon (21)

What causes white skin discoloration?


Answer by  Missmeme11 (134)

The main cause for any type of skin discoloration would directly involve some type of disease. The best advice would be for you to visit the a dermatologist and show them the discoloration.


Answer by  sarah39 (91)

White spots could be a sign of vitiligo where your body stops producing the melanin that gives you your pigment. The cause is unknown but could be hereditary, or from an auto immune disease, stress or even a sunburn. A completely white skin could also be albinism, a congenital disease characterized by a lack of melanin.


Answer by  Taran (716)

Skin discoloration like white spots, patches of white skin after you've been in the sun? it is sign of vitiligo. No melanin means no pigment ,you get white. It starts in a spot and spreads. The areas are:lips, face, hands,feet. It can gray your hair. Reasons can -hereditary,may be an immune system disorder, emotional distress, hyperthyroidism.


Answer by  girIbot (26)

One cause of white skin discoloration is the rare disease Vitiligo, usually most noticeable on arms or other extremities. This disease causes discoloration on patches of skin, and is associated with thyroid disorders among other environmental causes. While only 1%-2% of the population is affected, it is important to talk to your doctor if you may be affected.


Answer by  xsut (943)

There can be many things that lead to white skin discoloration. After an outbreak of acne the sun is the most common reason for skin discoloration.


Answer by  G12345 (1808)

Vitaligo is an autoimmune disorder that causes antibodies to melanocytes and can be responsible for skin whitening in patches. See your doctor.


Answer by  spoiledtraveler1 (106)

Skin discoloration can happen from different types of exposures to sunlight and other elements. The discoloration could be permanent or semi-permanent depending on the case.


Answer by  Sett (1838)

White skin discoloration can be caused by a skin disease called Vitiligo. Vitiligo is when your body stops producing melanin which gives you your pigment. Other causes for white skin discoloration can be too much exposure to sunlight,or albinism which is another melanin lacking disease that is incurable.

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